Tuesday 3 January 2012

Mum I am very happy!

It is very pleasant to here you child tell you, “Mum, I am very very happy" those are the very words of Kendi while away for some sort of vacation. She and her siblings I believe have been having a great time and we have loved being with them.

The other reason I am happy about those words is because rarely do people want to share positive feelings. We like to tell other people how sad we are, how life is unfair – of which it is true sometimes, but it’s rare that you hear a grown up come to you and tell you-Today I am very very happy!.

To this I say – Jesus knew when He said the Kingdom of God belongs to such. Children. They say it as it is.

Tana sees Mt Kilimanjaro and shouts – Mountain!!!!!!! Then she immediately follows to sing “got tell it on the mountain, over the seas and everywhere, that Jesus Christ is Lord”

A few photos of what's been happening with the kids!
Tana has helped lots this holiday. She loves to clean the floor for some reason.

Kendi - Just loves doing the dishes. She will ask to do this most of the day. 
Little girls. Sometime back someone asked if my girls are twins... well these pretty dresses make then look so don't they? The first of a same kind. Their pretty cousin Samara with them too. 
Playing with a cat 
Helping Mum cut her Birthday Cake. This caught Mum 10-0

Some good time with their Uncles - John and Daniel. 
I just love this photo of Samara. Cute girl! 
Camel riding! Tana between her Uncles.Uncle Ruhio and John
Whatever made her scared! She wanted to jump. 
Kendi-All Fun with her Uncle Daniel

Reading their bibles in car 

Now..this is our boy-He loves Mangoes. However I made a big mistake on this one. We bought it by the road side. I asked the lady who sold it to us to clean it for us and then I gave it to Ethan. How could i trust the water and her cleaning?. Ethan has been unwell for a while and my 6th sense tells me his stomach upsets began here! Mums-don't ever make this mistake. Always clean the fruits yourself or al tealst someone you know and can trust. I had a lot of water in the car and I could have done it. 
One for the road 
My hubby had asked me to hide-so on the left, I was hiding. Du-uh!
Helping Dad drive - this was on a slow path
Some bonfire!  
Bone time 
Playing hopscotch with Mum 
I love the way Kendi was enjoying 

Tana too

Enjoying some good view 
Mums- water water water- A must for kids when travelling. Each their own. Always refill.  
This girls have been swimming excess! 



  1. I love the picture of the hop scotch. Makes me think of when I was a little girl. Your children seem so happy. I love their smiles. We only see camels in a zoo here in the US. Love your blog.
    Visit my blog again.

  2. God has blessed you with a beautiful family!
