Monday 30 January 2012

Husbands of working Mums

I thought about this subject last night as my wonderful husband dropped me at the airport. Yes I am out again. It made me think about how the days ahead are going to be for my hubby with the three kids. It made me appreciate him all the more, love him in a new way and ask God for Grace as he carries on through the week.

My hubby is wonderful with the kids…he is always commended by his friends for his excellent job with the them and of which I am completely proud of! We are coming from a society where men did not interact much with their children; their role was / sometimes still is that of provision -full stop. I therefore really appreciate the role my hubby plays with the kids, he sometime stays in the crèche in our church, full of Mums church and keeps brave as the only man – taking care of our kids. And if you ask him about it- He says, these are my kids too and if anyone has a problem, they can deal with themselves.

I also appreciate him because we are coming from a society where men can travel, but women must look for jobs that suit home keeping. I agree, this is wonderful and if possible, every mother should pursue it, I have pursued it and I have seen grace, but there are times when even the best of Jobs does not suit all your needs and expectations. Such  times, you appreciate your husband, his support and his love.

Yes I am away, but I am so glad to have the support of my husband, he calls me every night to pray for me over the phone,-not to mention how many times during the day. He will cal every morning so that I talk to the kids before they go to school and Skype in the evening so I get to see them all and chat more. Most of all, he believes in what I do, he believes in my work, he supports me and tells me "go for it, you can do it, there is grace…we will miss you but please go!"

So in other words, I just want to say that as a working mum, I appreciate the role of my husband in keeping it all together and helping me stay sane.  Truly, I am sure there are other working mums who will agree with me on this one.


  1. Thank you for the reminder not to take my husband for granted. Just because he is so hands on with the kids, I need to remember not every husband will joyfully take 4 kids on outings by himself or give mommy a break on Saturday mornings by letting her sleep in while he bathes, feeds and entertains the kids. I think it is too easy to complain about what husbands forgot to do and fail to remember all the things they do to be such a blessing to us.

    Have a wonderful trip!

  2. Ems, I popped in the other evening briefly and found the kids very happy, all fed and eating their fruits. Chris is doing an amazing job with the kids.

    I totally agree with Julia, we have been blessed with the best husbands and we need not take them for granted.Let us remember to tell them thank belovedkeeps saying its very important for them to know we appreciate the things they do for us.

  3. Oh, my I miss a day's reading and you've flitted off in an airplane!! I did love the job I had that provided travel -- but my children were grown and gone. The roles were reversed, for my father had come to live with us after Mom went home to our Lord. Having a husband who saw to everything while we travel is such a tremendous blessing, isn't it!! To know that all will be well at home allows us peace of mind (that passes understanding, right?) May God continue to bless you and your family.
