Monday, 29 August 2011

Little by Little

Yes sometimes God brings down strongholds in our lives, little by little and finally they go stumbling down.
Many times I am faced with challenges that take long to deal with, they can be so overwhelming, I question Gods’ faithfulness, I question my faith and I even question prayer. I question many things and sometimes I get desperate, I feel like giving up and what people sometime call throwing in the towel.

The other day I was on Thika road, like I will be today and I am amazed by the hips of hills that are now leveled, the rocks that looked immovable are now leveled, especially as you approach Thika near Mangu high school, my husband and I have watched in amazement how those tracks/bulldozers have brought down those rocky hills one at a time.
Hills being leveled up on Thika road

 They reminded me of what happens when we pray- every time we pray concerning a challenge or an issue that we are facing, like those bulldozers we are simply bring down the strongholds little by little. It may take time but you have to keep at it, it may take months, sometimes years but you cannot give up. One day, your prayers will hit the last rock and you will go like-it’s over, it is done! Praise be to God!

And just like those rocky places on Thika road, you will not look the same, things will be leveled up and trust you me, it will be evident.

Little by little, keep praying, keep holding on, and please don’t give up. God has not given up on you and so you cannot give up on yourself.

Remember, little by little your prayers are changing things, your prayers are moving the mountains

Luke 18:7
"And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night?"

Have an awesome week.

1 comment:

  1. This one has moved me, honestly. Little by little I will keep praying for the rocks to be leveled. Thanks Emms, God bless.
