Thanks giving Thursday!
Kenya-Nairobi City
From one man, He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth, and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live
Acts 17:26
I am so glad about Kenya, working and living in Nairobi for the Lord knew exactly where i would live and work. So today, i will focus my thanksgiving on where i work!
I am so thankful for my employers
I am thankful for my supervisors
They are family friendly
They allow me without reservation to take care of my babies when a need arises during working hours
They will occasionally ask how my family is doing.
There are times i have had to seek for time to take my children to Hospital
and they say- "Get out of the office and go, you are of no use here when your children are not well, we know you will do nothing"
They must have been part of God's plan for my life-just for a time like this, when i have young children who have quite some demands
They must have been in the bigger picture, when i did not know how i will handle my career and motherhood
I truly thank God for them
I love my Job-i enjoy my work. That is not a common saying, but i truly do
Must be God-Only His favor and His unending love.
Thank you Lord for my employers
Thank you for fitting all the pieces together and having them in mind when you created me
Thank you Heavenly Daddy!
Always -Emma
Amen and Amen. That's a lovely picture of our beautiful city.