Tuesday 7 August 2012

Just sweet Kids

Kendi: Mum are you dropping us to school today?
Mum: I am sorry I can’t I, have a few things to do this morning but Dad will drop you.
Kendi: Oh!-I will miss you a lot today (Hugging Mum) - Cute!

Kendi: Mum, Dad has given me, two vests to wear
Mum: Okay...
Kendi: Which one do you think I should wear (showing me the two)?
Mum: Well, either, comme ci comme ca,
Kendi: What is comme ci comme ca?
Mum: I mean it really does not matter which you wear, I am good with any...
Kendi: Okay Mum (she chooses one)
(I am glad that she thinks Mum's opinion matters)

Tana wakes up extremely cranky. I am looking at her and thinking. Dear Jesus, not another Monday morning. So I decide to look at her, eye ball to eye ball and I proceed on to tell her, “You have a lot to be happy about girl, come on-let’s sing a song!”

Before we could even sing, she gives a warm hearty laugh!!!. And that was it! Her mood changed  instantly! I thank God for His grace. God has a way of filling our hearts with Joy and dealing with the small details in our lives!

Kendi: Mum, do you know Jesus loves me?
Mum: Sure, He does
Kendi: And He is in my heart?
Mum: Yes He is!
Kendi: So is He in the hearts of bad people? (Dad looks at me –with those eyes of...you are in trouble!!!)
Mum: Not quite, but He sure does hope they can change and then He can come into their hearts
Kendi: Okay.

Kendi: Mum, are we getting another baby?
Mum: May be, if God wants us to.
Kendi: Okay, so do you need to marry Dad again so that we can get that baby?
Mum: (What??????)
Believe you are having a great week....its been BUSY!!!!!!


  1. Oh, I miss the laughter and learning that comes with having children in the house!! Thank you for sharing yours with the world. Thank you for sharing Christ with them, too, so they know He loves them and are in their hearts. God bless.

  2. Smiles to end my day. So precious. It's such a joy to read of a small one knowing Jesus loves her.

  3. I really like. Ur kids are funny.

  4. I really like this. This has made my day. Thanks Emma
