I am learning that for a
longtime, I have obeyed God and wanted to obey Him in order to run away from
the consequences of not obeying Him.
Think about it. Instead of having
a love driven affair with the Lord, I am having a fear (wrong fear) driven
This means that if I do this or
that, the Lord will punish me, or I will face and have to deal with painful
consequence. Instead of thinking that obedience to God is equal to blessings
and having a sweet and wonderful companion hip with the Lord.
David says, “The secret of the sweet satisfying companionship of the Lord, have they
who fear, worship and revere Him, He will show them His covenant and reveal to
them its deeper meaning”. Psalm 25:14
Now, think about this in relation
to the children you and I are raising. How many times do they obey you as a parent
because they fear that if they do not, there is punishment that follows disobedience?
Good in training, but I think as they mature this needs to change because while
it is good to correct and to discipline and the Lord disciplines those He
loves, we need to mature in faith and take our walk with God higher and to
appreciate that we need to do what we do out of our love for Him and not because
we fear the consequences of not doing so.
We therefore also need to
discipline children while explaining to them the benefits of obedience and not
just allowing them to experience the pain of disobedience. That way, they do
not look at obedience as a running away from painful consequences but as a
means of enjoying a fulfilling life.
My opinion is therefore that any
form of correction which sometimes involves spanking the children must be
followed up with comprehensive understanding and appreciation of the benefits
that come with obedience.
Well, I am on my knees asking God
to help me not to obey Him out of fear but to obey because I simply LOVE him
and that obedience amounts to great blessings in Him and having a sweet
companionship with Him.
What this teaches me is how much
our upbringing affects our relationship with God.Lets therefore train our children
in a manner that as they grow they will learn to interact with God in Truth
because we share and live the Truth and the Truth will set them free to Worship
and LOVE Him.